2012年10月7日 星期日

who watches television knows that George Flinn is a nice guy

By now, everyone in Greater Memphis who watches television knows that George Flinn is a nice guy, a good doctor and a kind-hearted employer.

And he's hoping to parlay those traits into an upset victory for the 9th District congressional seat held by three-term incumbent Steve Cohen.

Flinn, a radiologist and radio station owner,Cheap nike outlet online store, discount nike air max and nike free buychristianlouboutin on sale. easily won the August Republican primary. So far this campaign season, he has had the local airwaves all to himself.

Since Tennessee is not a presidential battleground state, we've been spared all the negative ads from President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. Republican Sen. Bob Corker, who is running for re-election, has no credible opposition, and that means he's saving his ad dollars for another day.

So we've been treated exclusively to testimonials for Flinn, including a 30-second spot touting him as the most caring physician since Marcus Welby. "He's just a really sweet person," says Clarice Russell. "You can see him on the streets and he'll stop and talk to you."

Another woman, Reba James, says Flinn is "the most honest doctor I've ever met. I trust him with my life."

That's followed by Chaplain Novella Smith Arnold saying, "George Flinn is the best doctor you can get, and doesn't take long. He'll take good care of you."

A more recent ad features a guy nicknamed "Scrap Iron," who says Flinn was kind enough to give him his job back after he recovered from a motorcycle accident — and even gave him a raise to boot. He doesn't say what that job is, but he urges everyone to go out and vote for Flinn.

The idea behind these ads,Shop Louis omegawatch for Women. which feature mostly African-Americans, is to portray Flinn as a compassionate soul who deserves the votes of the common folks in the 9th District.

However, because of the makeup of the district, Marcus Pohlmann, a political science professor at Rhodes College, doesn't see a path to victory for Flinn.Free shipping BOTH ways on wedgeshoes,

"There's no surprise waiting to happen," he said.

For his part,latest and hot juicycouturesuits for Women are available now. Cohen said he plans to run TV ads, but he's in no hurry to start. "I'm pretty much a known quantity. It's not like I've been doing ultrasounds for the last 30 years."

That, folks, is the extent of this campaign, and voters shouldn't expect any face-to-face battles between the two candidates before Nov. 6. Cohen rejected requests for a televised debate, telling me that since Flinn won't release his tax returns, Cohen is not interested in debating him.

So this lackluster congressional race will continue to play out over the airwaves and under the radar.

