2013年5月28日 星期二

which is anticipated to include significant permanent

A former San Mateo mayor has given a gift of $50,000 to preserve and maintain Sugarloaf Mountain, the centerpiece of the open space preserve shared by San Mateo and Belmont.

According to the San Mateo Daily Journal, Baker, who was San Mateo’s first woman mayor, was passionate in her efforts to save Sugarloaf Mountain from development.Click here to find personal data about tungstenjewelry including phone numbers,

Although Baker died nearly two years ago at age 88, her husband, Bill Baker, unexpectedly paid a visit to San Mateo City Manager Susan Loftus earlier this week and presented her with the $50,000 check. A note that accompanied the check read that the money from her trust was a gift for the maintenance and preservation of Sugarloaf Mountain.

Belmont city councilmember Coralin Feierbach, who has led the charge to preserve San Juan Canyon open space on the Belmont side of Sugarloaf, is a kindred spirit of Baker’s.

“Jane Baker is one of my heroes. If it weren't for her, there would have been 1000 houses on Sugarloaf instead of the beautiful open space that everyone enjoys. We need more council people like her - what a delightful woman she was also,An interview on the homedisplay1 by Arlene Francis,” said Feierbach in a Facebook posting.

In November 2009, the City of Belmont bought about 35 acres of property within the San Juan Canyon, and is now engaged preparing a Master Development Plan for the San Juan Hills Area. The Master Development Plan will provide a roadmap for long term use of these properties, which is anticipated to include significant permanent open space areas,With industrial-inspired energymonitor and hanging lamps in a range of sizes and styles. new trail connections, and a small number of new residential lots.

The Daily Journal reports that Baker’s donation prompted San Mateo Mayor David Lim to ask the city to consider renaming Laurelwood Park after Baker. “Sugarloaf would not be there without Mayor Baker’s efforts, so naming the park in her honor would be a fitting tribute,” Lim wrote in an email.

Baker was known to be anti-development and began her political career in the campaign to save open space on Sugarloaf Mountain in San Mateo in the early 1970s, reports the Daily Journal.

I understand some of the blowback RG3 received -- obviously the superstar QB is a millionaire who can buy his own household items. But purchasing gifts off a wedding registry isn't that different from buying a jersey or something else to show your support for a player or team. Plus, I really can't find it in my heart to hate on any type of giving. I'm soft like that!

While we're on the subject of giving, there are not many people more generous than Oklahoma Thunder star Kevin Durant. Immediately after the terrible storms that decimated the town of Moore Durant donated 1 million dollars to tornado relief efforts with no announcement, pomp or circumstance. Many people's first reaction was that he's very rich so one milli isn't a lot to him. That's why I'm glad BuzzFeed had a sports expert weigh in and explain that Durant's donation was a significant percentage of his income.The feeder is available on drying homeenergymonitor equipped with folder only. People seem to forget that when an NBA player signs a contract, though they certainly receive a substantial amount quickly, they don't get every dime at once. Plus there's agents and myriad taxes to pay (unless you want to end up in jail like too many celebs of late!).

In addition to the cash donation Durant made, he convinced Nike to donate apparel and 100% of the profits from sales of the KD V Elite. The KD V Elite shoe is pretty sick so if you're in the market for a new sneaker definitely check it out. Shameless plug: I wrote a great piece for discussion regarding Durant and his reputation for being a nice guy over on my blog.

In tennis news, Venus Williams was knocked out of the first round of the French Open on Sunday. If you don't know, Williams is fighting an immune system condition called Sjogren's Syndrome that causes dryness in the body that can be very painful and lead to other problems like pancreatitis and ulcers. Williams is also currently suffering from some lower back inflammation that made it difficult for her to prepare for competition. Since Williams announced her diagnosis of Sjogren's, every time she loses a match the subject of whether or not she will or should retire comes up for discussion.

On this subject, blogger Carolyn Edgar brought up a good point --is it really necessary or fair for writers to almost demand that Williams retire simply because she's not as good as she once was? It's curious to me because one thing the Williams sisters were always knocked for is being perceived by tennis establishment for not having enough passion for the game. Now, apparently, passion doesn't matter - just wins. I think it's perfectly fine for Williams to play simply because she loves the game and isn't mentally ready to quit for whatever reason.Improve your owonsmart with our complete services offer. For Williams part, she told reporters that when she plays her last match she will "let you know."

