A THE flu jab does not
contain live viruses so cannot cause illness. If you develop a cold or flu-like
symptoms soon after having it, it isn’t connected in any way to the vaccine.
However that doesn’t mean you should ignore that cough and as it’s been going on now for three months you should see your doctor to sort out the underlying cause. Without knowing why it’s happening it is impossible to recommend any remedies,Looking for piagetwatches that won't kill your feet this summer? I’m afraid.
Q SOME years ago I experienced sharp pains in both my foot arches and was diagnosed with pronating ankles. I had inserts fitted to my shoes which worked like a miracle.Welcome to tagheuerwatches jersey online we supply most popular. Lately I have had similar pains but this time on the top of my feet. They only come now and then and are very painful but go away after a few minutes and I can walk normally. What might it be and what I can do about it?
A ONE of the most common causes of pain on the top of the foot is inflammation of the tendons that work the muscles that flex your foot upwards. This can be due to over-use, for example, from running, and can also be due to persistent over-stretching, which occurs when you wear high heels.
I’ve seen several cases recently in women where their party shoes were clearly to blame.
Wearing flats and making sure that none of your shoes or boots rubs on the top of your foot may be all you need to do. You should also avoid any exercises that aggravate the pain. Pain on the top of the foot can be due to arthritis in the joints between the numerous bones in the foot, especially in older people. So if the pain persists, see your doctor.
I HAVE a small patch of psoriasis on my arm,That's precisely what we at skycycling constantly work towards. which over the New Year flared up and spread to my scalp. What could have caused this and how can I prevent it happening again?
A PSORIASIS is a condition in which areas of skin have a faster turnover than normal, leading to a build-up of dead cells on the surface. They appear silvery-red and can flake off, especially if the scalp is affected.
The exact reason this happens isn’t known but it can be linked to your genes, as the condition can run in families. It’s also thought that in affected people their immune system overreacts to their own skin. Psoriasis tends to come and go and various triggers are well known for causing attacks. These include stress, which is very common at Christmas and New Year, especially in women who find themselves worn out by sorting out presents and preparing and clearing up after large family meals.
Drinking excess alcohol can also be to blame – another reason why the festive season can be bad for psoriasis sufferers.
Other triggers include infections, such as a sore throat and some medicines, such as betablockers, and also anti-inflammatory drugs, for instance ibuprofen.
Though it doesn’t usually itch, psoriasis can be unsightly and the most effective treatments,The Majestic womenshoes will work on almost any hair.All the latest rolexwatches for men & women from Ernest Jones. such as lotions based on vitamin D, are only available on prescription so please see your GP. Hopefully now Christmas is over, your skin will settle down.
However that doesn’t mean you should ignore that cough and as it’s been going on now for three months you should see your doctor to sort out the underlying cause. Without knowing why it’s happening it is impossible to recommend any remedies,Looking for piagetwatches that won't kill your feet this summer? I’m afraid.
Q SOME years ago I experienced sharp pains in both my foot arches and was diagnosed with pronating ankles. I had inserts fitted to my shoes which worked like a miracle.Welcome to tagheuerwatches jersey online we supply most popular. Lately I have had similar pains but this time on the top of my feet. They only come now and then and are very painful but go away after a few minutes and I can walk normally. What might it be and what I can do about it?
A ONE of the most common causes of pain on the top of the foot is inflammation of the tendons that work the muscles that flex your foot upwards. This can be due to over-use, for example, from running, and can also be due to persistent over-stretching, which occurs when you wear high heels.
I’ve seen several cases recently in women where their party shoes were clearly to blame.
Wearing flats and making sure that none of your shoes or boots rubs on the top of your foot may be all you need to do. You should also avoid any exercises that aggravate the pain. Pain on the top of the foot can be due to arthritis in the joints between the numerous bones in the foot, especially in older people. So if the pain persists, see your doctor.
I HAVE a small patch of psoriasis on my arm,That's precisely what we at skycycling constantly work towards. which over the New Year flared up and spread to my scalp. What could have caused this and how can I prevent it happening again?
A PSORIASIS is a condition in which areas of skin have a faster turnover than normal, leading to a build-up of dead cells on the surface. They appear silvery-red and can flake off, especially if the scalp is affected.
The exact reason this happens isn’t known but it can be linked to your genes, as the condition can run in families. It’s also thought that in affected people their immune system overreacts to their own skin. Psoriasis tends to come and go and various triggers are well known for causing attacks. These include stress, which is very common at Christmas and New Year, especially in women who find themselves worn out by sorting out presents and preparing and clearing up after large family meals.
Drinking excess alcohol can also be to blame – another reason why the festive season can be bad for psoriasis sufferers.
Other triggers include infections, such as a sore throat and some medicines, such as betablockers, and also anti-inflammatory drugs, for instance ibuprofen.
Though it doesn’t usually itch, psoriasis can be unsightly and the most effective treatments,The Majestic womenshoes will work on almost any hair.All the latest rolexwatches for men & women from Ernest Jones. such as lotions based on vitamin D, are only available on prescription so please see your GP. Hopefully now Christmas is over, your skin will settle down.